Daylight and SAD

Part 8: Final Report

    Your final report should explain how you decided on the value of each constant in the Coventry length-of-day function, and how you modified that function to write one for Reykjavik.  Mention any difficulties you encountered in attempting to fit a sine curve to the data.  Explain what information these functions might provide about seasonal affective disorder, including (among other things) the effect of latitude.  Include any observations you made about the graph of seasonal mood fluctuations and its relationship to the length-of-day function.  Illustrate your report with appropriate graphs.

On the light side . . .
From 1948 until 1951 Japan practiced Daylight Savings Time. From April to September there was a summer time schedule of an additional hour of sunlight. This system was abolished because of the following reasons:
1.  The sun set too late. An additional meal was required because the day was so long.
2.  Longer hours for laborers.
3.  Lack of sleep.
More information is available on request.
-Japanese Embassy Information and Culture Center publication
reprinted in The New York Times.

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